Friday, June 13, 2014

Wrap it Up!

My lymphedema was reassessed Thursday morning. Beth at BiB found that there was more fluid around my elbow and the measurements were up in my hand and wrist as well (not by a lot, but enough to make me a candidate for wrapping before I get fit for the compression sleeve and gauntlet).

I spent less than 24hrs wrapped like this (with the foam compressions garment underneath compression bandages):

But by midmorning Friday, my thumb and fingers were swollen and the bandage had unraveled around my hand and wrist. I took it off and my arm and hand looked like this (and hurt):

So I went back to BiB for a rewrap, this time with thinner foam, more access to my fingers, which are now taped, like this:

And I have to keep this on (and dry and clean) until Tuesday, when I'll have PT and the pump again, and then get rewrapped. And this will continue until the fluid moves out of my arm.

 I don't know about others that have experienced this, but I'm not feeling the love for this lost lymph fluid. I'm about to throw an eviction party.

Ok, maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to throw a party =)

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