Monday, February 3, 2014

Getting Ready for Round 2

Well, folks, it's chemo week again. It will be another busy week full of doctor's appointments. I'm feeling fairly confident as I move closer to the second treatment. I have a better idea of what to expect and how to deal with the side effects. Basically, if I start feeling anything other than normal, there's a pill for that. And I know to call and ask for help if anything new pops up. Cancer is nothing like what I saw in the movies when I was growing up.  All those horrific side effects are controlled with meds. And, while I'm not a fan of pill popping (mostly because I'm always so sensitive to medication), I'm even less a fan of vomiting, diarrhea, bone pain, etc...

I met with Dr. Kays this morning for my second expansion. I did so well that we decided to do a double expansion. He filled me with two syringes full on each side. It feels just a little tight, hardly uncomfortable. I hope it stays that way. If so, I feel confident that I'll have been expanded enough to get the cosmetic results I'm hoping for.  Also, I'm fairly certain that I'll opt to have the 2nd phase of reconstruction before the radiation.

In case you are interested, I snapped a picture of the syringes they use to fill the expanders. I told you they were enormous and scary looking!

I got a message from Dr. Foiles (OB/Gyn) that she and Dr. Kotz discussed the possibility of having my laparoscopic supra-cervical hysterectomy while I am having chemo.  They both seem to agree that leaving my ovaries in any longer than necessary is like tempting fate. I'm surprised that surgery during chemo is an option, but apparently they'll time it based on my counts, waiting until they've come back up while still giving me time to recover from surgery before getting the next chemo infusion.  This isn't a final decision and I'm sure we'll be discussing the option in more detail when we meet with Dr. Kotz this week.

My 2nd infusion is this Wednesday (2/5). I'll have some blood work first. Dr. Kotz will want to see how my counts look before each infusion and we'll chat about the hysterectomy and about how I handled the first round of chemo. Chemo days feel like all-day events. We need to be there by 8:15 for the blood work, then meet with Dr. Kotz, then do the infusion. All in, I'm looking at hanging out in his office from 8:15am until abut 3pm.  At least we have a fun birthday party to look forward to that evening!

Thursday is my post-surgical follow-up with Dr. Weinberg. She always makes me smile. Then, it's off for the dreaded Neulasta shot. My dad and step-mom should be here by the time I get home. It's nice to know, in advance, when my bad days will be so we can really focus in on asking for help on the days we really need it.

I'm so lucky to have family and friends that can help!  I don't say it enough; I am incredibly grateful for all of the help. For the messages, cards, encouragement, for the meals, the visits, the hugs, the help around the house, thank you! I know it is hard for everyone, to be on the outside looking in and wanting to help, wanting to make it better, not knowing what to say. I'm so glad to have you all in my life. And whether you say something, or nothing at all, thank you for being there!


  1. Kara, I too would love to help in some way, but I do not know what that would be, since we have never even met. I am praying that your chemo treatment goes well, and that you will not have any side effects to deal with. I am also praying for your doctors as they make decisions about the surgeries you still need to have, and as they continue to treat you.

  2. Hi bchlvr2. You are helping. Your prayers, your warm thoughts, the simple fact that you care enough to read this. It helps keep my spirits up! Thank you!

  3. Praying for you, girl! I get such a good feeling about your team of doctors. I am alive today by the grace of God and a wonderful surgeon in Georgia. Your blogs help us out here to be specific in prayer for you. Love your entire family!
