Saturday, January 18, 2014

Chemo Updates (1st treatment, days 2-4)

Day 2 of chemo and we were off to see my OB/Gyn. There are a few choices when it comes to removing ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, etc. We've decided that a laparoscopic  supra-cervical hysterectomy is the route to take. It'll leave my pelvic floor/cervix in tact so I don't have to worry about my bladder falling out later in life (seems like an appealing choice, no?). That surgery will involve an overnight stay in the hospital and 3-4 weeks recovery time at home. Dr. Foiles is going to discuss the timing of that procedure as part of my care plan with Dr. Kotz, though she seems anxious to go ahead and get it done this year. I expressed my concerns about surgically induced menopause and the fact that I won't be a candidate for hormone replacement because my cancer is hormone receptive. Dr. Foiles mentioned that a very low dose of Prozac (called something else, but I can't remember) has shown lots of promise in helping with hot-flashes, mood swings and the other effects of menopause. After that visit, we stopped in for my Neulasta shot, which only burned a little.

As of day 2, I'm already finding I need more rest than usual. The heartburn continued for day two and I had to pop an anti-nausea pill or two to stay on the safe side. Some other tummy troubles persisted and everything smells like chemicals on occasion. Also, the skin on my face, chest and upper arms is red. I'm thinking that's from the steroids rather than the chemo, but time will tell since I won't have to take the steroids again until the day before the next round of chemo. I didn't drink or eat much on day 2.

Day 3 was more of the same. I spent much of it in bed, with a brief excursion to the grocery store that ended with me heading back to sit and wait in the car.  I feel drained, but restless. I don't like staying in bed all day. My legs want to go, but my energy just isn't there. Eating and drinking weren't too bad today, except that I usually drink a lot of water and now I'm struggling to get some down. I'm also finding that I want cold things, which is unusual for me.

Day 4 is just getting started. So far, I feel ok. Tummy troubles again today. I seem to wake up around 3:30am and have to pee every 10 minutes for the next hour or so. Mornings seem particularly restless, waking up often and not knowing what to do with myself. I have some work to do, so I'll sign off for now and get through that while I still have the energy to do it. According to the docs, today is the day when my blood counts really start dropping. I'll have to be really careful for the next 10 days or so to stay away from germs. My temp's been running between 99.5-99.8. If I get to 100.4, a trip to the hospital is in order. If you're coming for a visit, expect to wear a mask around me.

So far so good!  Hoping it stays this way!

1 comment:

  1. Ask your Dr about Prilosec for the heartburn. I had to take it the whole time I was doing chemo due to terrible heartburn! It does help��Hang in there!
