It's the morning of my exchange! I'm a mixed up mess of excitement and anxiety. This is already such a busy time of year filled with holiday celebrations, the final grading push for the semester, planning for the next semester, etc., and I've gone and added another surgery to the mix.
Here's the plan: I'll arrive early, but maybe not so bright (and they want me to go out in public with no makeup on and nothing in my hair). Today's surgery is happening at a surgical center that allows my surgeon more leeway with the types and storage of implants he can use. I'll check in, get set up for anesthesia, and likely be shipped off by 7:30am. My surgeon will remove the expanders that have been the bane of my existence for the last year (ok - to be fair and accurate, they have only been one of the banes of my existence this year, assuming a person can claim more than one bane at a time...), and place implants. As far as I know the implants are Naturel High Profile Teardrop Silicon. I may or may not have the fat grafting after all. If I wake up with bruising from liposuction, then I'll know he decided to do it. I'm also pretty sure he'll be going in from under the foobs instead of through the original scars. This will leave me with 2 more significant scars, but they should be hidden under the foob, and hopefully give me a better chance of healing well on the radiated side. I'll be home by lunch, and have to wear another one of those terribly sexy surgical bras for the next two weeks. They'll be giving me an injection of a muscle relaxer called Exparil, which lasts 72 hours and should be all the pain management I'll need for recovery (fingers crossed!).
I've been told again and again how easy this surgery and recovery are. I hope that holds true. I can use easy right now. I'll post a follow-up soon and let you know if that's true! Til then...